Hi! I'm Sudarsh. I'm an incoming freshman at Caltech, where I'm likely going to major in Computational Neuroscience, Physics, Electrical Engineering, or Applied Math.
I haven't specialized in anything so far, and I think that one of my core strengths is that I learn really quickly. I also really like learning with other people and reading textbooks with other people, and I think that this is very mutually beneficial. You should reach out if you're interested in this!
You can reach me at kvsudarsh786 at gmail.com
You can also read what I've been reading at curius
I want to do cool, hard things. Some of the cool, hard things that I'm interested in right now are
A simple email should suffice, since I don't get many emails in general. Some that might work are:
Hi Sudarsh, I'm excited about
. Let's talk!
This is something I've worked on. I wanted to show something about it
:D here is some math :P
I don't have emperical data for this, but I hypothesize that the number of emoticons is directly proportional to how likely I am to reply to your email (this is in jest, I shall reply regardless :P)
When it comes to giving feedback, you shouldn't sweat it. I subscribe to crocker's rules, so you shouldn't worry about how I take it. However, I prefer if your feedback is actionable, since this lets me take concrete next steps. For example, "You're a D1 yapper" is not actionable, but "You were talking over people in our meeting" is. The feedback is fully anonymous. In good faith, I will avoid trying to guess who gave the feedback. However, you can take steps to hide your identity, such as using a different tone of voice, or (my preferred method), using a large language model to rephrase your feedback.